Confident and Competent: Clinician Consultation Group Participation Agreement

  1. I recognize that the Confident and Competent group is a clinical consultation group, and does not constitute either a therapeutic relationship or a formal supervisory relationship. Advice given in the group is offered for your professional benefit, but ultimately it is your responsibility to decide whether, or how, you choose to apply it in your professional practice. It is recommended that participants pursue individual supervision and/or individual therapy as needed.

  2. I will maintain client confidentiality per my professional college guidelines, as well as any other professional standards required by my college.

  3. I will keep what is said in group private. It is expected that group members maintain confidentiality within the group. Group members are expected to keep the names of other participants, as well as individual disclosures within the group setting, confidential unless explicitly agreed otherwise.

  4. I understand that I must have a private space to attend the group and that I must have my camera on. In order for yourself and other members to participate fully and confidentially, it is required that you have a private space in which to attend group sessions where you can be uninterrupted for the duration of the session. It is required that all participants have their camera on in order to help verify that you are the sole participant.

  5. I understand that no recordings will be made available for missed sessions. This is to maintain participant confidentiality.

  6. I understand that if I miss more than 2 sessions, I will be required to leave the group. It is expected that you will attend all sessions; this is to help promote group cohesion and trust. In the event that you miss more than 2 sessions, you will be required to leave the group.

  7. I will arrive to group on time and not impaired by substances. It is expected that group members will arrive to sessions on time and not impaired by substances. Group members are not to consume substances during sessions, including drinking alcohol, smoking, or vaping.

  8. I understand I need to pay the entire amount, regardless of attendance. Payment is for the group in its entirety, not individual sessions. You are required to make payments in accordance with the payment schedule regardless of your attendance or satisfaction. In the event that you are asked to leave the group, payment in its entirety is still required.

  9. I understand that my participation is voluntary and that I don’t have to do or say anything I don’t want to. It is expected that group members will participate to the best of their ability. However, ultimately this is all voluntary. If there is an activity that you want to opt out of, including answering specific questions, you are welcome to opt out. The exception to this is having your camera on; it is mandatory that group members have their camera on in order to ensure confidentiality for other group members.

  10. I understand that group sessions are not solely for my benefit as an individual participant. The role of the facilitators is to maintain an environment that benefits the group as a whole. This is different from individual supervision, where the focus is solely on your individual benefit. In order to maintain group wellbeing, the facilitators may need to moderate the frequency, duration, or content of your engagement. Specifically this means that each week may not be about your personalized consultation; one of the benefits of a group setting is that there is value in learning from the experiences and questions of other participants.

  11.  I will treat facilitators and other group members with respect. Group members are not to harass, stalk, bully, or otherwise engage in inappropriate behaviour with facilitators or other group members. The facilitators are there to ensure an atmosphere of care and respect. Facilitators can request or require that I leave the group at any time and for any reason.

  12. I understand that a digital platform will be used for asynchronous communicate with the group between weekly sessions. All of the above expectations also apply to the use of the digital platform, including that participation is voluntary.

  13. I understand that I may be asked or required to leave the group if my behaviour is not in alignment with this agreement.

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